
Common Interior Design Mistakes………… How and where to hang curtains.

Common Interior Design Mistakes I thought I would share with you a few common interior design mistakes people make in their homes, and how to avoid them. This month I’m looking at how and where to hang your curtains. Very often people make the mistake of placing them just above…

My Top 10 Christmas Cushions.

A Christmas Cushion, is for me the cherry on the cake! The tree sparkles in all its glory, the lights are twinkling and the scent of pine needles hangs in the air. I love sitting on my sofa, perhaps with a sherry, surrounded by throws and cushions and feeling lovely…

My Gift Wrapping tips and idea’s.

So with countdown to Christmas on, and the shopping for gifts underway, I thought I would share with you some of my gift wrapping tips and idea’s. Gift Wrapping is the enclosing of a gift, so that it surprises the recipient, but also shows that you have taken the time…

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